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2004-02-29 - Slidell to Mobile back to Slidel

We spent last night at my friend Duane. He is one of the most FABULOUS people I know. How he puts up with me, I don�t know. He actually paid to get Tyler out of jail. Then Tyler paid him back the next day. He used to be my assistant at the small hotels I managed in New Orleans. He did SO much work for me and I got all the credit. He is one of the most genuine individuals I know. (�even though we both get cracked out of our gourds sometimes�.)

Which brings me how I spent most of Saturday - CRACKED! I wish I could tell you some nasty, filthy, sexy stories - but I can�t. I don�t remember most of it.

I woke up (not really even been to sleep) about 1:00pm and was like, �I really should go back to see my folks.� �Hi mom, I had some ecstasy last night and here I am back at your house. Want us to cook dinner tonight?�

I spent the afternoon in �recovery� and then after heading back to my parents for a few minutes to clean up -Tyler and I went to Mobile, Alabama to see a client for Tyler. This was an interesting situation, Tyler saw the gentleman for two hours while I just hung out in the clients living room and �computed�. Sometimes, I never understand how things work out and how silly them seem. �Hi, I am sitting in the living room of a total stranger in Mobile, while the most expensive non-boyfriend I�ve ever had gets fucked two rooms away.�

I talked to Rob Ramos, who I will be doing the show in Ft. Lauderdale with next weekend for He is so HOT! I have some of him in the Citiboyz Porn Convention gallery.

I am still in �detox� from the last couple of days in New Orleans. *twitch*

Tyler and I stayed in and watched �Final Destination 2�. I like the �Final Destination� duo of movies. The second one is SO gory! I don�t know if I totally agree with the premise. (�that death has a design and you can�t cheat it.) but I do agree with it that there are sign all around. Sometimes we see them, sometimes we ignore them, sometimes we mis-intrepret them� but they are all there. Have you seen the films?

We went to bed about 12:45am after the movie, but I got up about 3:15am because I could not sleep and came downstairs to work on the computer. I bought my dad a wi-fi (wireless connection) to put at his house. I should have said, �Here Dad, this is because I love you so much�� (which I do!) but I said, �Here Dad, this is so I can piggy-back and use the cable speed you pay for for free on my laptop when I am home.� (wink)

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