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2003-04-14 - 12:11 a.m.

What's up, bois! It's Auntie AnnaBelle here again. Brandon has insisted that I must write another entry for tonight and update you on the end of his weekend. Let me just tell you that it got MUCH more exciting in the last few minutes! ;-)

Brandon returned home from the parental unit's and life has returned to normal, or as normal as life can be in the home of a Super Star of the adult entertainment industry. According to Brandon and our friend, Maxwell, the time spent with Mom and Dad and Baby Brother was a lot of fun. There was very little sleep to be gotten and Brandon came home to the Hooker Hotel and, guess what???, took a nap! I swear I understand why that boi is so beautiful. He gets more beauty sleep than anyone I've ever met. And I know a LOT of tired, old Queens that could use a LOT of beauty sleep. Sorry, I digress, back to Brandon!

Well, after Brandon's nap, our Star got up and was quite the productive little boi. He got online and took care of the myriad e-mails that he gets each day and played with some of his online fans. He had a HUGE number of people in his Party With Brandon chat room and watching his crazy antics on his live webcam. Y'all should check it out when you have a chance @

The night was quite boring with each of us doing our part to further the business end of Party With Brandon, when suddenly the phone rang. It was none other than Francois, the HOT marine stud that Brandon has been talking to on the internet and the phone. It just so happened that Francois was "in the neighborhood," but didn't even realize it. Well, far be it from Mr. Baker to allow an opportunity like that to pass. No sooner than you could say, Brandon Baker's a Whore, Francois was in the apartment and laying on the bed. Now, I'm not one to kiss and tell (well, I should say watch and tell), but if you really want to know what happened send me a check, money order, or credit card number and Auntie AnnaBelle will share all the juicy details and even the pictures with you! Let me just tell you though, this Francois boi is one hot piece of work. He just shared with us the story of getting his nipple pierced. When he had it done the girl that was piercing him (the Fish in the story really fucks it up, but we have to exercise journalistic integrity here)clamped his nipple to do the piercing and, apparantly, Francois was so turned on by the nipple play that he sprouted wood. Well, the girl doing the job thought it was interesting, but it got even more so. Francois apprantly was SO turned on by the piercing that he shot a hot load of creamy, Marine cum in his pants. WOW! Auntie AnnaBelle's going to open a Piercing Parlor on the nearest Marine base! Needless to say Francois got his piercing for free!

Well, it's about time for me to go do my nightly Botox injection and then crawl into this Queen's bed of iniquity (RIGHT, I haven't seen any action since Reagan was president). I'll let you know all about what's happening tomorrow and I will give you an update on Brandon's Worldwind Tour of Spring 2003. The tour begins on Friday and it should provide us with lots of interesting stories.

Remember, bois, YOU are always invited to Party With Brandon, but your inhibitions are NOT! Ciao for now, Kids and let us know what you think!

Love and Kisses from your favorite Auntie!

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