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2003-08-02 - 12:25 a.m.

Velma is over and she is fixing all the electronic stuff I broke in the apartment.

MJ is in the living room basking in the glow of the neon Flamingo light Lisa bought.

Lisa is trying to sound resonable and control her excitement that she can watch Buffy again.

Now that we are down to business...

Two days of stuff to relay - I regale you from the most recent to the recent HIStory.

I am going to meet ben tonight! YEA! He is one of the HOT boys I met when I worked at Lafittes in New Orleans.

I spent last night with Kory. He is from New Orleans. How funny is that!? New Orleans in Vegas. He even worked at the bar! We watched "Natural Born Killers" last night while he slept on my lap. I think I am a natural born PORN BOI! He is a hottie! He is 135 (BITCH!!) and 5'8" and TAN! He looks friggin' hispanic. His roommate is BEAUTIFUL! There was a little pink Jeep from his roommates daughter outside the door, and I asked him, why is your car outside still? I hope to run into him tonight as well. Lisa had to pull over trying to getting into the "gated community" we had to pull over she was laughing so hard.

My "boyfriend" from New Orleans called today and talked sensibly, I guess he is taking a break from being cracked out enough to dial my digits and tell me he heard I was out of town! TOO MUCH!

Two nights ago I spent to Gary. We watched "Gangs of New York" It was long and very emotional and bloody! Leonardo DiCaprio is HOT! He had a nice chest shot. I like thrilling scary movies betther though, and it THREW me for a loop to see Cameron Diaz in that role. She did good! After the movie, Gary and I went into the hot tub and played a bit and after his cum got on my face, I shot a load up to my neck and dogtag. It was cool to shoot so far, I should have thought it was neat, but of course, I immediately thought, Where is the camera? Why can't I get that in porn!" ARGH! Kudos, Gary!

We ate at IHOP today and I broke the coffee thing, Vacuum-sealed coffee dispenser, it was a TRICK! (cause I don't get enough of those!) my ass! The host came over and said I do I have to call security! hehehehehe... RUCKUS casuing Brandon at work again.

I am glad the DVD player is fixed courtsey of Velma so I can finally watch Johan Paulik on the DVD! FUCK Buffy! Johan is in the house!

I wrote my first newsletter, the B-Link, V1.1, today. If you did not get it in e-mai, PLEASE check it out at my Yahoo! Group and let me know what you think. Future versions will be available there too! I hope I remembered everything. :)

So I think I mentioned before that I work for a small agency here stripping in Las Vegas. So I have my first stripping job tomorrow, I think she said I have to be a "cop" IMAGINE THAT! I have to stop by and get my costume before heading to the venue. I'll let you know how it goes and if I can handle the "arresting behavior". :)

Got some HOT photos from a boi from my and this boy has some HOT cock shots. WOW! and I sent some more hot e-mails to my Orlando boi, I am practicing this being "in charge" thing. Whaddda you think?

Stand still so I can push you against the wall and rip your pants off you. I will rip them right down the front and watch them fall to the floor and your faggot ass cock fall out.

If it drips any pre-cum while I slap it around and pull on your nuts, you can lick it off the floor you filthy whore. You like being called a whore huh, you slut!?

Spead your pansy legs and let me grab your dick with my mouth under your nuts. If decide I want to put my mouth on that piece of meat after your faggot hands jack it off.

I want to see my hot jism land in that patch of hot hair and watch it dry there and you feel it stay there until I remove it.

I want to see you stand there fucking naked and helpless and I tie you up to the bed and watch you leak pre-cum on the sheets. I want to shove your face in it until I get a few jock friends and let them take a turn at slapping your slut face with thier thick dicks and you feel and taste thier cum on your lilly lips.

Then we can all stand over you and drain our hot fucking piss on your slut body laying there. I will write SLUT on you with lipstick and then watch the piss from the boys soak in your filthy faggot body laying there.

I am hard writing this and thinking of the possibilities I can do with you faggot. Get your bitch ass in gear, get those shorts off and start stroking your dick with HOT thoughts of cum and piss you whore.


So I am going to try to convince Velma to go to go out with me and then fer sure - I will have some good stories for tomorrow.

Take care, sleep tight, sweet dreams, bright wet spots when you wake up...

Brandon "sweatin' from the oldies" Baker

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