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2004-02-20 - Austin, TX 5:47 p.m.

I woke up this morning about 9:00am with a SPLITTING headache from the drinks I had last night.

We had a REALLY good time. How good? Enough that I spent a few minutes in the bathroom reliving it and re-tasting it wishing I did not have such a good time.

We went to a few bars:

Woody�s (formery Moby Dicks) - I had a really good Bloody Mary. It was made with Zing-Zang, my favorite mix. YUM! But I like it when they put lime, lemon, olives, celery and stuff in it. He added spice and worschercire sauce and stuff, but I like them THICK!

The Roundup - EVIL PLACE! Lot�s of country boys. This REALLY cute one, Chris, dancing and sweating. HOT! This is the place I think I did it - I drank a shot of tequila. I know better. Tequila FUCKS me up!

J.R.�s - Nice bartender who took care of two rounds of drinks for us. I liked this bar and this crowd the best.

Some bar behind J.R.�s - (something Mining Company maybe?) that had a drag queen hosting some sort of game show.

I think that was it. (maybe we went to more.)

Some guys on the street corner gave us lube and condoms, like in New Orleans. YEA!

We had a good time, I did not get too many photos but I will put them up soon.

I talked to my new web-host guy. He did it.

I have less than 48 hours and I can be putting up the TONS of stuff I have designed and no space for! YEA!

Mardi Gras is going on NOW!

I am excited to be back home in the midst of it soon!


So we left Dallas today, the 20.

We are in Austin tonight, the 20.

We are in Dallas again on the 21, 22 and heading out on the 23.

We are in New Orleans on the 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 1, 2, 3, and 4. That is 10.5 days. Get your bookings NOW! (wink)

We (or maybe just me..) head to New York on the 4, 5, and 6 to film Brandon�s Toga Party with SoftTouch and DeadBoysClub 4 with DeadGuysCinema.

Then I head from NYC on the 6 to Ft. Lauderdale for a event. I will be in Ft. Lauderdale the 6 and 7.

From Ft. Lauderdale, I do not know where I will be, we will probably stay there for a bit, and then do our London trip on the Virgin plane if we can.

We drove from Dallas to Austin. Well I do not mean WE drove. Tyler drove. I slept off the hangover.

We got to the hotel about 2:15pm and at 3:00pmm Tyler saw a client and then headed out to get his haircut and see some friends from prison. He talks about how hot he is and how �thug-ish� he is. NICE!

I had a HOT IM from a friend who knows what I like when I got back to my computer this morning. Tyler was on it and when he went to take a shower, he left it on my name. (not that I mind, but I did know I could have been having a HOT conversation with my friend like this:

Him: if you were here right now -- you would be under my desk, sucking my cock and licking my ass when i TOLD u too --- hmmm -- I may even instead of running to the bathroom to take my leak, FOCE you to be my boy urinal while you hide under my desk -- and IF YOU SPILLED a DROP !!! Grrrrr

Him: oops -- FORCE you i meant


Him: alright you little FUCKER --- daddy has to go to work -- you better fucking REPLY with an e-mail or I will REALLY fuck you up next time i see you -- SMACK!

My reply (later): Nice! I think that is so hot, it would be so hot if I could have my mouth and lips around your cock and sucking on that cock and feeling it in my mouth. I like to suck, like really SUCK on a dick I know is attached to someone like you.

I have such a piss fetish (remind me to tell you about the appointment I had last week sometime) so I think it would be fucking GREAT to know you were about to take a leak and have to piss and unzip your pants while I was on my knees. It would take some coercion since I usually like piss on my body but I think you MAY be able to do it and make me like your boy urnial (HOT!) and lap it up from the head of your tasty cock. *sports woodie* I would want to spill just a drop though I could feel it run down my chin, down my chest, over my belly so I could use a bit of it on my cock and balls to stroke myself.

I have this hot photo of a boy tied bewtween two urnials and two boys pissing on him. I also have this one of these two "punk boys" forcing a boy to take thier piss you may like.

He told me about and I took a look. WOW! Some INCREDIBLE piss fetish photos and LOTS of them.

Then Steve (the director at Citiboyz) and I were talking online.

He teases me about taking my escorting too seriously. (teasing me in the good way of course, he says I need to have comment cards that I can leave with a client at the end of the appointment.

�Did we arrive on time?�

�Were your desires fulfilled?�


He (Steve) makes me laugh.

Everytime I see him he has a new one for me.

Today he said: ��oh by the way, do you validate parking for your clients?�


Then as I told him I had to go, he said �Be careful, it is a jungle out there.�

I said, �YOU are a jungle. Jungle JIM! Can I swing on you?�

He said, �Tyler can swing on me..� you must stay on your pedestal.�


I also talked to Mark Adams (of and told him after my SEVERE hangover from last night.

NO MORE ALCOHOL for Brandon. I am too HUNG...UP....HUNG OVER. HUNGOVER! (wink) "Hi Mr. Bartender, I'll have a cherry coke, light on the cherries..."(mine has been gone too long.)

I got the script for Brandon�s Toga Party that I will be filming in New York with It look GREAT! I will not divulge too much now, but it is based of of my fantasies and also has some filming for DeadBoysCulb 4 from YEA! FABULOUS!

I masturbated twice today. ARGH!

I hate it when I do that.

One about 4:00pm when I read the script and watched some pictures from my �Great Outdoors� porn DVD and another about an hour later when I looked at the new piss pictures.

It felt good. (I just did the second round as I write this�)

I shot on the bed and some of it went on my messenger bag. I am going to leave it.

I periodically like to empty my bag and let you know what is in it:

Let�s see�

*dumps contents RIGHT in cum on bed.� ARGH!

Unpaid parking ticket from New Orleans at Haloween in my Dad�s car. YIKE! He is gonna be PISSED!

Two condoms from last night�s handout

Hotel key from the hotel we are at tonight.


Article on the Do�s and Don�ts of being a go-go boy

Article on The Online Hook (I am not too good at that.)

Three of my ScandalWithRobin business cards (�with Robin lifting up his arm so you can see his armpit! YUM!)

My fat, thick, small notebook (wink)

My SprintPCS reciept for next time something stupid happens

A Kinko�s directory (� so we can have hi-speed internet access.)

My business cards that say a different line on each one (

Chiklets gum (�strawberry flavor)



Starbucks vanilla-flavored after coffee mints

Two AAA batteries (�for my CAMERA!)

My digital camera

A Four Queens pen

A Best Western pen

My pill container

Keys (�for an apartment where?)

My extra storage JumpDrive


That is a lot for today huh?


I am sure we will have lots to report from a Friday night in Austin.

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