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2004-01-02 - Who knows?


"Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of get wasted all the time and have the time of your life!" Life isn't always a waste of time!! There are some good moments in life, but I do like that quote! - San Francisco Gary's niece writes to me almost every day, today I got two. She sent me this today. She is such an intellectual treat besides being hot. (for a girl that is....)

It is 5:30am, do you know where your Brandon is? (most of the time, I am lucky I do.) I am at the airport in Detroit. The Northwest Worldgate terminal here is absolutely stunning. It is new and beautiful. The bathrooms were so nice. The old Detroit one is the absolute worst one. Atlanta is crowded and Houston Hobby or Dallas (I can't remember which one...) you have to walk so friggin' far without those moving sidewalks, I always get my exercise in t hat airport. But this new NWA one in Detroit is amazing. I have a three hour layover. I would call someone in my family or friends here but I do not think they would be up. Three hours is one of those long enough ones to do something.

***CGA (Cute Guy Alert)*** - he just sat down in the row in front of me. (hehehee...)

I am on the way to Chicago to get my parents and drive back to New Orleans tonight. I am meeting a client though first. Since I am going to be in Chicago, I am glad to be able to see him. He is picking me up at the airport and then I will spend a few hours with him. After that, he will drop me off at my Aunt's where my mom and dad (and Charlie, their dog...) are and we pick up some road time.I agreed to drive to and from Michigan with them, not stay there. (wink) The real deal is, I was just there so I think everyone was sick of me anyway! If we leave by like 6:00pm tonight, we should be home by 2:00pm on the 3rd. That is 20 hours. I think it should take like 19-24 hours. It took 17 up here.

I have to hustle because I leave on the 4th at 11:15am to go to Las Vegas. I have a show that night.

I can not take appointments after today until the 4th (two days) because I really need to in good shape and with sexual energy for my show at the Venetian.

Another reason I can not wait to get back to Las Vegas is Lisa and I move into the new apartment. *whew* Now I just have to get my stuff from New Orleans to Las Vegas. Looks expensive on the preliminary checks. Ideas?

I have some SERIOUS shit to do in New Orleans during the short time I am back there.

I can't seem to get in the fantasy mood today. Cute guys are overshadowed by worries of missing another flight, or a time to meet up with someone. I need to get over this fast. It really distracts me from what I do sexually. Know what I mean?

After I left you last time in the hotel room in San Francisco as Gary left for London, I headed out to dinner/cocktails with one of the guys that was cute from the New Year's party.

We went to Badlands for a cocktail of Skky and Red Bull.

Then went to a higher place and we went to Nirvana (I went there with Lewis last time.) and we had some Grey Goose cocktails and Asian flare cuisine. I had something dumplings, he had mango noodles. They were both good, but mine was a bit bland even with the sauce. I was glad for the cool company more then the food.

Then we ran by Bar on Castro for one more Skky and Red Bull. After we sipped the last sip about 9:20pm, he took me to the airport.

I made him a small (like literally the smaller sized) pocket CD's of photos with him from the party, of course I put some of me on there as well, a text contact document, some :19 .avi someone made of a bunch of us on a little porch smoking and finally RuPaul's Snapshot song. I thought that was cute! (wink) Hope he likes it. I have been a mad CD burner this weekend with photos!

My new web host is one more step ahead on the switch.

Then I will have more space to upload all these photos as they happen.

The airport is getting more crowded, it is still dark outside, but the population inside is MUCH heavier. Note to self: DON'T pay attention to boys, get your work done.

I have to write my Hot Cross Buns Column now as well. Airport time usually = productive time for me since I am not distracted. (It's that ADD I tell you...)

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